Monday, November 3, 2014



The Congo temple for practitioners of all Congo derived religious traditions is called Munanzo. Munanzo means "The House of the Lord", Nzambi. The Munanzo is the place where all sacred rituals of the Congo derived religious tradition take place along with all of the sacred initiations that make up the sacred rituals of this beautiful tradition. This short article will address the Gnostic meaning of the American Quimbanda Congo Temple in ritual importance. As time moves forward there are many esoteric meanings that existed and were hidden within the tradition that many of our spiritual practitioners do not really know about nor understand the true meaning behind our sacred religious rituals and about the Temple (Munanzo) were these sacred rites of passage take place. It is for that very reason, I find the need to write as many books as possible to educate all individuals about our magical and religious philosophy and about the sacred mysteries that are shrouded behind the meaning of words such as "Munanzo". Although, no one is really at fault, it is an example of just how many of the hidden esoteric mysteries over time have been lost. It is important for all of those who know about the true mysteries of the American Quimbanda religious tradition to share this information with every new initiate over the 7 year religious obligation that an individual makes in an oath at the time that they are initiated into these sacred American Quimbanda mysteries. For those of us who have been fortunate to have been born into these mysteries and have lived it since birth, we have an obligation to transfer this sacred information to future generations to come. By reviving many of these ancient esoteric meanings, a Munanzo and its initiates become wise in the emotional, physical and the spiritual realms. The American Quimbanda religious tradition traces its biblical origins to the year 1485 when the First King of the Congo was formally baptized into the mysteries of Roman Catholicism by Jesuit Priest and the last remaining members of the Knights Templar. Because of this influence, the Catholic Church of the Congo has always held very deeply within the ancient mysteries of early Jewish & Christian Gnosticism and has placed a large emphasis on ancestral veneration even to this present day. Every American Quimbanda Munanzo is (becomes) the representation of Nzambi's (God) Holy Temple here on Earth and for the moment of ritual and the act of sacred invocations and evocations in the shrines area of the Holy of the Holies, the magic circle becomes in reality the mystical doorway, a gateway to the Heavens, a spiritual vortex that will remain open as long as the temple is consecrated, sanctified and Holy. The spirit vessel (nganga) becomes the Holy Ark of the Covenant. Every American Quimbanda temple mimics the very sacred Holy Temple of God in the Heavens which was constructed by the ancient king Solomon on Earth. For this very reason, the American Quimbanda religious temple since 1864 and all of the internal workings and even the set up (sacred floor plan) and its architecture must always duplicate Gods Holy Temple in Heaven in honor and reverence to Him and also to King Solomon who was given the blessings so long to recreate God's Holy dwelling place in the Heavens here on Earth. When we say in our ritual prayers, “As it is above” – “So shall it be below”, we are ritually professing our faith and beliefs that everything that exists here on Earth is just a mirror reflection of what exists in the great Heavens. For those initiated individuals who are practicing the orthodox version of the American Quimbanda religious tradition in its oldest and original form, the temple altar is always set towards the east. In every temple the ritual of consecration of every new temple or even an American Quimbanda shrine area in your home also beings with the consecration and the laying of the foundation of the corner store. This is done and performed though an elaborate ritual ceremony. The ritual lying of the corner stone was performed during its construction in the Temple of Solomon by the Master Craftsman Builder and legend of the Freemasonry Order, Hiram Abif. In the year 1872, Henri Luis De Bourbon-Montenegro brought the Free Mason ritual elements and Gnosticism into our tradition and where it has remained to this present day. The American Quimbanda temple has many other esoteric and symbolic hidden meanings including those that are held with our Seven Degrees of Universal Mysticism Studies Program. Many people have attempted to reproduce a magical system like that of the "Great" King Solomon. Some of them were very successful, but many have failed to gain a level of power that King Solomon had. Until recent times, there has been much debate by occult historians about which magical traditions or secret occult fraternities still retain the original occult elements of this very powerful form of ancient biblical mysticism. Although there are many historians who would say that King Solomon's magical powers are just a legend, the fact is, that it is not.

Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro Blog of the Magickal Occult Arts !!!!!

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The Gnostic Book & Pagan Community Center of Los Angeles is a California non-profit corporation dedicated in assisting individuals with discovering the inner mysteries of spiritual self-transformation, enlightenment and how to manifest their desires into a reality through Universal Gnostic Consciousness by raising the standard of living through Universal Spirituality and by becoming the "Architects of their own Destiny"...

Thank you for visiting our Online Store of Ritual Occult Ingredients & Ceremonial Magick Books. With the rapidly increasing number of occult shops and suppliers now available to the public, we thank you for selecting us. We are owned and operated by initiated magical arts members of the craft and dedicated to the "Old Religion". Everything we sell is made from pure herbs, spices, oils, resins & imported Moroccan fragrance oils. All items are personally gathered or blended and prepared by hand in observance of the ancient Hermetic magical traditions of Ceremonial High Magick, Goetia Sorcery, Necromancy, European Witchcraft, American Hoodoo, Latin American Spiritualism and African religious traditions.

All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. Should you have a special need not found in this catalog All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. 

We will be happy to try to fill custom orders or direct you to a legitimate suitable source. 

Due to regulations by the United States Post Office, please note the following: We make no claims of magical effects of supernatural powers for any item or spiritual service in this catalog or on our website, the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. In spite of legendary attributes or occult or craft tradition, such items listed for sale in this catalog are offered as curios only and beliefs concerning the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. 

If you should have any questions or concerns please contact us directly.

"Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro, Kimbanda, Quimbanda, Black Magic, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, Afro-Brazilian Spiritualism, Carlos Montenegro, Carlos Montenegro Books, Holy Temple of Nzambi, Free Mason, Free Spells, Candle Spells, Occult Products, Occult Supplies, Botanica, Exu, Pomba Gira, Maria Padilla Reina, Spirit Sigils, Sigils, Necromancy, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Devil, Satan, 72 Demons, King Solomon, Goetia, Quimbanda Goetia, Temple of Kimbanda, Nganga, 21 Divisions, Herbs, Candles, Incense, Oils, Occult Oils, Palos, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Brotherhood, OTO, Aliester Crowley, Scott Cunningham, Llwellyn Books, Azure Green, International Imports, Indio Imports, Christian,Jesus, Knights Templar, White Witchcraft, 72 Solomonic Demons, Divinations, Oracles, Salem, Satanism, Lucifer, Luciferian, Luciferism, La Santa Muerte, The Holy Death, La Santisima Muerte, Zarabanda, Siete Rayos, Mama Sholan, Tiembla Tierra, Aje, Tiempo Viejo, Kalunga, Madre De Agua, Nkisi, Rayado, American Candomble Church, American Quimbanda, American Kimbanda"

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