Friday, October 31, 2014




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A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, beyond the Milky Way and past the Orion Constellation there was a great war which took place in the Heavens between light and darkness. In order to preserve the integrity of the "Universal Balance" and "Celestial Order", Nzambi (God) cut the "Divine Chain" which connected the Heavens to the Earth and closed the "Great Doors" to the City of the Angels and the forbidden secrets of magic fell from the great Heavens and plummeted to the Earth and into the hands of man. Since that time, man has had to invoke the Spirit of Nzambi through ancient prayers and rituals. These ancient prayers and rituals are the secret cosmic keys of the universe which "unlock" and "open up" the mystical doorway of the "Star Gate" into the realm of the "Ancients". The following book of ceremonial high magic explores these secret keys of ancient wisdom and knowledge which unlock the invisible doors of the "Angelic Astral Realm" to summon the Spirit of Nzambi (the Divine Creator) to Earth and how to manifest the sacred energy beings from the "Angelic Astral Realm" to restore the perfect "universal balance" found within in each and everyone of us. It is only by restoring this "perfect universal balance" within ourselves that we can truly begin to discover the mystical and celestial connection that man has with the sacred divine universe.

This ceremonial magic book was written for those individuals interested in spiritually exploring the magical mysteries of the American Quimbanda religious tradition. This book is a "beginner's guide" to practical Afro-Brazilian ceremonial high magic and how to understand the powerful magical system known as the "Quimbanda Goetia". The magic of the Quimbanda Goetia is found within the confines of The First Greater Quimbanda Kingdom of the Most Glorious Archangel, Exu Maioral. The Kingdom of the Most Glorious Archangel, Exu Maioral has many mysteries of magic associated with it, as it is an occult dimension of the Astral Realm. The Astral Realm is a dimension that holds many secrets of the great Universe within it, including the mysteries of "creation" and the "origin of man". This ceremonial magic book presents to the curious the basic knowledge of how to perform spiritual experiments of the occult sciences. There are many other mysteries to discover within the deep occult mysteries of the Astral Realm, but they will not be discussed inside of the vast content of this ceremonial magic book about the Quimbanda Goetia for beginners. In this ceremonial magic book, QUIMBANDA GOETIA, THE SACRED OCCULT MYSTERIES OF AFRO-BRAZILIAN MAGIC & THE SECRETS OF THE 72 ASTRAL EXU SPIRITS, I present to the beginner of spiritual exploration, a celestial map to the Heavens, to the Stars and to the Astral Realm. This is Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro wishing you well as you embark on a sacred journey into the outer dimensions of the Astral Realm.

May your journey be as wonderful and spectacular as it has been for me, as a spiritual explorer for the past 30 years.

Thank you and enjoy the book.

All of the following spiritual experiments of the Afro-Brazilian Quimbanda Goetia contained within this ceremonial high magic book are authentic and are presented in their historical and ritual entirety. The ancient magical occult art of the Afro-Brazilian Quimbanda Goetia requires dedication and experience that can be learned by any serious magician of the occult black arts over a period of time. The true "Universal Gnostic Mysteries" of Afro- Brazilian Quimbanda are very scarce and rare. Within the following prayers and invocations lie the sacred keys to open the forbidden doors of Divine Creation, Divine Destruction, Divine Justice, and Cosmic Knowledge and to the portal to the Astral World of the Angels, Demons and the Quimbanda Spirits. This is the true power and spiritual energy source of the magical Quimbanda Goetia in its purest and most orthodox magical manifestation, so use it wisely without remorse and without regret. Respect always the divine power of the "Quimbanda Universal Mysteries" and you shall be like the Ancient Gods, Invincible, Unconquerable and Immortal. There are some who believe that the ancient European Goetia occult tradition of magic is the most powerful form of magic that exists on the planet, but it is not. For those individuals who know it or have experienced it, the Quimbanda Goetia is by far the strongest form
of magic that exist and that can be found on this Earth in this present day because it physically and spiritually links the Heavens to the Earth. The Quimbanda Goetia opens up a direct doorway to the Heavens above to God's Holy Kingdom. The Quimbanda Goetia is a particular type of magic found and practiced by the Spiritual Practitioners of the American Quimbanda religious tradition. It is a very unique form of sacred biblical magic of early Jewish and Christian mysticism which uses the divine holy forces of the astral realm. The ancient occult magic of the Quimbanda Goetia is found in the First Greater Quimbanda Kingdom of the Most Glorious Archangel, Exu Maioral of the American Quimbanda religious tradition. This astral realm is composed of Angels, Demons, Ancestors, Saints, and other enlightened spiritual beings which are believed to have a direct influence over the affairs of the living and the dead when spiritually petitioned using the sacred prayers of the ancient Quimbanda Goetia. The pantheon of spirits and deities in their entirety of the American Quimbanda religious tradition can be found within the vast confines of the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms which are governed over by Nzambi, the God of the Heavens and the Earth and the Holy Quimbanda Trinity. The Holy Quimbanda Trinity is composed of three powerful spiritual forces that represent the Heavens, The Cosmos, and the Earth. These three spiritual forces are united and together hold the universe together; These three forces are the Most Glorious Archangel, Exu Maioral and the entities, Exu Rei and Maria Padilla Reina Pomba Gira.


Like any book about ceremonial magic, it is important that the reader of my books not only discover the magical keys to ritual success, but also what magical principles will be learned as well. What good is any ceremonial magic book if the content does not work or even have any meaning in one's spiritual journey? All of the following will be learned and realized in this ceremonial magic book about how to perform sacred rituals of the Quimbanda Goetia.

I. You will learn about the major spirits that are found in the astral realm of the First Greater Quimbanda Kingdom of Exu Maioral.

II. You will learn about how to practice solitary Quimbanda Goetia magic.

III. You will learn how to determine what day, hour and lunar influence to start your magic Quimbanda Goetia rituals.

IV. You will learn the important elements of magic before performing any of the magic rituals of the Quimbanda Goetia.

V. You will learn how to ritually work with each of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits to manifest your desires.

VI. You will learn about which Archangels govern over each of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits that are found in the astral realm of the First Greater Quimbanda Kingdom of Exu Maioral.

VII. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over each of the 12 Zodiac signs.

VIII. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over the Elemental signs of Earth, Fire, Water & Air.

IX. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over the 7 Planetary signs.

X. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over each of the Chakras.

XI. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over various metals.

XII. You will learn about which of the 72 Astral Exu Spirits rules over various sacred stones, crystals & gems.

XIII. You will learn about which colors are sacred to the 72 Astral Exu Spirits.

XIV. You will learn about which numbers are sacred to the 72 Astral Exu Spirits.

XV. You will learn about which days of the week are sacred to the 72 Astral Exu Spirits.

XVI. You will learn about which Cardinal directions are ruled over by the 72 Astral Exu Spirits.

Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro Blog of the Magickal Occult Arts !!!!!

Please visit our official website at,

Welcome to the World of the Craft and the Magical Occult Arts...

The Gnostic Book & Pagan Community Center of Los Angeles is a California non-profit corporation dedicated in assisting individuals with discovering the inner mysteries of spiritual self-transformation, enlightenment and how to manifest their desires into a reality through Universal Gnostic Consciousness by raising the standard of living through Universal Spirituality and by becoming the "Architects of their own Destiny"...

Thank you for visiting our Online Store of Ritual Occult Ingredients & Ceremonial Magick Books. With the rapidly increasing number of occult shops and suppliers now available to the public, we thank you for selecting us. We are owned and operated by initiated magical arts members of the craft and dedicated to the "Old Religion". Everything we sell is made from pure herbs, spices, oils, resins & imported Moroccan fragrance oils. All items are personally gathered or blended and prepared by hand in observance of the ancient Hermetic magical traditions of Ceremonial High Magick, Goetia Sorcery, Necromancy, European Witchcraft, American Hoodoo, Latin American Spiritualism and African religious traditions.

All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. Should you have a special need not found in this catalog All of our items are prepared during the correct lunar moon and planetary phases, day and hour. So on some of our items please allow 21 days for delivery. 

We will be happy to try to fill custom orders or direct you to a legitimate suitable source. 

Due to regulations by the United States Post Office, please note the following: We make no claims of magical effects of supernatural powers for any item or spiritual service in this catalog or on our website, the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. In spite of legendary attributes or occult or craft tradition, such items listed for sale in this catalog are offered as curios only and beliefs concerning the magical effectiveness are related only for historical interest. 

If you should have any questions or concerns please contact us directly.

"Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro, Kimbanda, Quimbanda, Black Magic, Palo Mayombe, Santeria, Afro-Brazilian Spiritualism, Carlos Montenegro, Carlos Montenegro Books, Holy Temple of Nzambi, Free Mason, Free Spells, Candle Spells, Occult Products, Occult Supplies, Botanica, Exu, Pomba Gira, Maria Padilla Reina, Spirit Sigils, Sigils, Necromancy, Sorcery, Witchcraft, Devil, Satan, 72 Demons, King Solomon, Goetia, Quimbanda Goetia, Temple of Kimbanda, Nganga, 21 Divisions, Herbs, Candles, Incense, Oils, Occult Oils, Palos, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Brotherhood, OTO, Aliester Crowley, Scott Cunningham, Llwellyn Books, Azure Green, International Imports, Indio Imports, Christian,Jesus, Knights Templar, White Witchcraft, 72 Solomonic Demons, Divinations, Oracles, Salem, Satanism, Lucifer, Luciferian, Luciferism, La Santa Muerte, The Holy Death, La Santisima Muerte, Zarabanda, Siete Rayos, Mama Sholan, Tiembla Tierra, Aje, Tiempo Viejo, Kalunga, Madre De Agua, Nkisi, Rayado, American Candomble Church, American Quimbanda, American Kimbanda"

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